Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Waiting for it....

So the second day or so after the tour started we arrived to the venue and were directed to our green room to find a sign on the door that said “Sean Patrick Swayze.” It wasn’t a typo, it was Kirby-Tour-Mgrs way of saying “Welcome to the big leagues, Rookie.” And as I was to come to know everybody, I’d hear Kirby refer to us as the “pretty band.” (thanks for making us buy those new clothes, Murray.) and I expected some hazing that never really happened and everyone walks around trying to get a read on everybody else. I don’t know anybody from Adam, but we try –and succeed in---making friends (Thank you JagerMeister) and as green as we are we try to act like we’ve been here before.

By day three the “pretty band” has gotten really good looking: the green room door reads “Danica Patrick Swayze McGraw,” and if this is their way of messing with me, I’m all about it. Personally I thought it was funny as hell and I could see a trend developing and I walked over to Kirby-Tour-Managerss office and I threw down the sign and I said “is that the best you got? I expect better!” (and to be honest Kirby, I hope someone tells you about this and you’re reading right now) the signs have all been slightly amusing (Joey—Toby’s utility player--copped to being responsible for “Sean Patrick Chesney”) which I thought would have been funnier as “Sean Patrick McChesney” (I don’t know why) and I wore my pooka shells and wife-beater tee-shirt that day….but it went from that to “Little Jimmy Dickens’ (okay, that was pretty funny) to “Sean Connery McGraw,” to “Sean Tug McGraw” (not really funny at all) to “Sean Patrick Cathedral,” to “Sean Patrick Henry.” (Really Kirby, how many people remember who he was from Social studies?”) and I’m like “c’mon man….I expect “Shania Twain Tim McGraw Hill” or something…???

Kirby says he won’t do it because I suggested it.


He also says I probably shouldn’t have told him Darian Lake was home turf ‘cause NOW we’re in for it.

I’ve heard stories about what’s happened to some other openers in years
past .

And I want say that if the people you surround yourself are a indicator of who you are , then Toby Keith is about the coolest mofo there is. We expected to get looked down upon, to get a crappy mix, to get no respect….to get some kind of second class treatment: we never have. Instead, we’ve had a great hang, been given a lot of great advice, eaten a LOT of steak in catering, drank a lot of beer afterwards…hell Kirby-Tour-Manager even foraged for beer for us…

We’ve made some friends we are truly going to miss when this summer is over.

It really been fuck-with free.

But Darian Lake is coming up. And that ‘s home.

And everybody else on America’s Toughest Tour knows that.

We are SO screwed.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Toby Keith in a very small town

So we ride the bikes into some small town in North Dakota (I’ll admit I have no idea where we were, it all happened so fast (literally) and Toby and his guys are in the lead—I should say WAY in the lead and they pull over to get gas and something to eat and drink and this is a small town in the middle of nowhere, what would you think if in walks one of the biggest names in Showbiz? And Toby and Keith Motley step into this corner store to get some sandwiches and I follow them in to get a candy bar and some coffee and this lady walks in with her little girl and says “she’s real shy…now honey, you go over and get your picture with the nice man….this is Brittany, and Brittany this is Mr Toby Keith,” and I look at the lady and I say “Aw c’mon is that who he told you he was?”

And I think for maybe a split second she might have thought she really had been fooled.

Toby smiled at that one.